Department of English

            The Department of English is one of the Supporting Departments in Monywa University of Economics. Currently, the Department of English is being run with a total teaching staff of six: one associate professor, one lecturer, and four tutors. Since the Department of English is a supporting department, it offers the course on Business English to the students specializing in respective academic disciplines such as Economics, Applied Economics, Commerce, Statistics, and Management. It provides the entrance examination of MBA, MPA, MMM, MAS, MBF and MDevS programmes. It also supports the teaching Business English for DBS and Dip.DS in first quarter.

  • To strive towards the sustainable academic and research development of faculty and students enriching their English language skills
  • To facilitate excellence and achievements in their respective academic disciplines
  • To support the students to be qualified in their respective academic disciplines

  • To uphold the values of English language proficiency skills
  • To upgrade the faculty’s teaching professional skills
  • To develop students’ English communication skills through interactive and motivating learning activities
  • To provide the students build a foundation with English language skills for their further academic and career pursuit